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Staying Active (and Sane) Through COVID-19

Rachele Manning

Updated: Mar 19, 2020

Oh, COVID-19, how much you've disrupted our lives. When I first started writing this post, my kids' school was only going to be closed a week and now they're home until at least early April. Here at Obstacle Fitness, we are managing workouts virtually and are preparing to hunker down for the foreseeable future.

This situation has escalated quickly to say the least. It's a chance for home projects and forced family together time, but for someone that needs alone time and/or exercise to stay sane, this is going to be a challenging time. However, I'm happy to do this if it will ultimately flatten the curve.

How to Motivate to Workout On Your Own

As much as I love working out, I don't have a lot of motivation to complete my own workouts. I didn't used to be like this. In my 20s I loved to workout and was extremely self-motivated. That woman is long gone.

I love planning workouts for others, and I do obstacle course-specific workouts and training during race season, but generally I take classes elsewhere and let those trainers put me through the paces. Since I'm staying home, doing my own workouts will be challenging. So how to remedy this situation?

My daily plan will depend on weather, my own need to get outside, what's going on with the family, and other things I have going on that day. Here are some things I'm planning:

  • Mini workouts throughout the day: If the idea of doing a 50-60 minute workout sounds like hell, break it up into 10 or 15 minute chunks during the day. Or check out one of our conference call workouts (this one or this one).

  • Get the kids involved: If you're stuck at home with your kids, they're probably going stir crazy too. Get your kids involved in your workout. Play outside games or sports with each other or go for a bike ride or hike as a family. If the weather is lousy and you have WII, play games that get you moving.

  • Challenge your step count: If you wear a Fitbit or other activity tracking device, try to double your daily step count. My personal daily goal is 10,000, but on my rest days I sometimes try and reach 20,000. It's not always possible, but it's a good challenge.

  • Know that this too shall pass: It might seem far off know, but eventually this too shall pass. Sometimes these forced breaks force you to rest your body and rejuvenate you. When this over, we'll all be ready to step up our fitness game again.

Existing members will get sent workouts that they can do at home with little to no equipment. Let us know what equipment you have access to and we'll send you workouts!



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