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Rachele Manning
Jan 22, 2020
Resolve to Ditch Your New Year's Resolution(s)
We're just over three weeks into 2020. Did you make any New Year's Resolutions? How are those coming along? I'm not a fan of...
Rachele Manning
Jan 16, 2020
Update on Tough Mudder/Spartan Deal
Just under two weeks ago I wrote about an odd series of events that suggested Spartan was going to acquire Tough Mudder. Or maybe they...

Rachele Manning
Jan 14, 2020
Addressing Barriers and Getting People Moving
This post discusses ideas on how to address the barriers to getting people off their couches and into obstacle course racing.

Rachele Manning
Jan 9, 2020
Barriers to People Trying Obstacle Course Racing (OCR)
What are the real reasons people don't run obstacle course races?
Photo by Linz Franciz from Pexels

Rachele Manning
Jan 7, 2020
Is Spartan Diluting its Brand?
Spartan is offering more and more race options. But will it ultimately get 100 million people off of their couches?

Rachele Manning
Jan 3, 2020
Tough Mudder No More?
It's been a rather drama filled last few weeks in the obstacle course racing world. Long story short, there were rumors that Spartan...

Rachele Manning
Dec 26, 2019
Putting aside workout time for you during the holidays
During the crazy holiday season, it's more important than ever to set aside time for yourself and your workouts.

Rachele Manning
Dec 19, 2019
I was on a podcast!
I recently appeared on the Shrimp Tank Boston podcast to talk about Obstacle Fitness.

Rachele Manning
Nov 26, 2019
Practicing the Low Crawl
The low crawl. It's not the most challenging obstacle, so it's easy to get cocky. This can be a problem if the wires are electrified or...

Rachele Manning
Nov 14, 2019
Pick a card, any card...
I don't know where you live, but here in Massachusetts it seems like winter is coming early. I'm hoping it's just a bit of a cold spell,...

Rachele Manning
Oct 9, 2019
On the Road: Time to Rest or Keep the Momentum going?
I'm heading out for a family wedding early tomorrow morning. When I used to travel for work, I usually never had much time to workout on...

Rachele Manning
Oct 4, 2019
Rugged Maniac New England 2019: The Power of Teams
A review of the Rugged Maniac race.

Rachele Manning
Sep 24, 2019
Top 5 Favorite Obstacles
Last week on IG and FB I shared my top five favorite obstacles. Here's a summary of what I shared: Rope Climb: To me this obstacle...

Rachele Manning
Sep 9, 2019
What you missed at this weekend's Spartan Workout Tour
Read about last weekend's Spartan Workout Tour!

Rachele Manning
Sep 4, 2019
Plyo on the Paddleboard
Hi all--I created another video of my stupid human tricks on the paddleboard. I'm aware that these are pretty amateurish but admittedly,...

Rachele Manning
Aug 30, 2019
Adventures on a Paddleboard
A strong core is important for obstacle course training. We recently bought paddleboards and I've been enjoying it a lot. I didn't...
Rachele Manning
Aug 28, 2019
Demystifying Obstacle Course Races
One of the goals of my business is to make obstacle course racing less intimidating. In this post I'll cover three questions I often...

Rachele Manning
Aug 14, 2019
Lessons Learned from NE Spartan Beast
Lessons learned from Spartan Beast

Rachele Manning
Aug 7, 2019
What's YOUR Goal?
What obstacles elude you?
Rachele Manning
Jul 31, 2019
Overcoming Fears: Submerging Myself in Ice Water
It's okay to not conquer all the obstacles, but eventually you need to conquer your fears.
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